Friday, July 31, 2009


This blog has moved to
Please add this new address to your favorites and look for all new content on the new site.



Thursday, July 30, 2009

*New GLC Project*

Sticker adalah karya seni yang dipandang cukup memberikan
kontribusi dalam penyebaran informasi mengenai suatu hal.
Typografi, tata letak, dan perpaduan warna menjadi kesatuan
utuh dalam komponen sticker.
Oleh karena itu Green Label Campaign pun mengadakan sebuah
kompetisi desain yang bisa diikuti oleh siapa saja yang
mempunyai karya original,
untuk nantinya dijadikan sticker resmi keluaran GLC.

*Syarat dan Ketentuan
- Mengambil tema tentang “save the forest for the future”
- Desain dapat berupa typografi, karakter, dan segala macam desain
- Setiap Desain mencantumkan alamat resmi web GLC,
- Desain disarankan menggunakan Software Photoshop dan CorelDraw
- Resolusi bebas, namun sebisa mungkin lebih dari 800x800(utk Psd.)
- Setiap desain menyertakan format JPEG dan format aslinya(cdr. ,Psd.)
- Desain dikirim ke Subject : sticker
competition, sertakan data diri dan contact person.

*Cara registrasi
- Membayar biaya pendaftaran Rp.15.000,-
- Menyetor biaya pendaftaran (tunai/transfer) ke No.rek 0132290596
Bank BNI46, a.n bastoni lamhot h
- Kemudian langsung melakukan konfirmasi ke no. 08567542784.
Sebutkan data diri. Lalu tunggu instruksi selanjutnya.

- Desain yang masuk akan di seleksi oleh tim yang sudah di tentukan GLC
- Tidak akan ada kecurangan dalam tahap seleksi nantinya.
Karena Tim penilai dipilih berdasarkan kapasitasnya masing-masing
- Pemenang akan diumumkan di web resmi GLC
- Desain pemenang akan di cetak sebagai Sticker resmi GLC dan akan
disebarluaskan kepada publik

- Pemenang akan mendapatkan hadiah uang tunai Rp.100.000,-
- T-shirt resmi GLC limited edition yang hanya di cetak 1 pcs saja.
- Sticker hasil desainnya sendiri.

Saturday, July 25, 2009

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Enjoy this FREE "Stocking Stuffer" from Royanna Fritschmann to CELEBRATE "Christmas in July"

Make sure to sign up for my NEWSLETTER here on my blog on the top right navagation bar. Be entered in to WIN my ENTIRE STORE for a WHOLE YEAR!!!!

Download has been removed but you can still get in online in my boutique @ Divine Digital. :)

Ho, Ho, Ho!


Saturday, July 18, 2009

Day 18 - Royanna Fritschmann, Studio RA Designs
Full FREE kit Available for 24 hours - July 18 @ Divine Digital

ENJOY the FREE Download-A-DAY

"Bella Rustica"

From our Featured Designers :

Cyndi Wetmiller, Wetfish Designs
Janine R., Foxy Designs
Royanna Fritschmann, Studio RA Designs

Join us in collecting a new kit EVERY DAY,
July 16 - 31
with our FREE daily download!
Exclusively @ Divine Digital | |

Make sure to visit my boutique:
| Studio RA Designs |

CLICK HERE to DOWNLOAD today's FREE KIT @ Divine Digital!

Friday, July 17, 2009

Layout by: TallulaMoon
Link to full layout:

Layout by: CSVanness
Link to full layout:

Layout by: LayoutsByMia
Link to full layout:

Layout by: LayoutsByMia
Link to full layout:

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Converse has given Kurt Cobain his own signature collection of shoes. Now available and shipping worldwide at Converse is currently producing a limited-edition series of Kurt Cobain footwear as part of the company’s 100th anniversary sales campaign, dubbed “Welcome to the Converse Century.” Each shoe is littered with drawings and writings that were published in 2002’s Kurt Cobain Journals. Several new models of Kurt Cobain shoes are coming with the Converse One Star model and a series of high-top Chucks already confirmed, according

Converse One Star for Target Cropped Moto Jacket in Ivory

Check out whats good at the Converse Concept Store in HK, that jacket (above, left) is a Korea Limited Edition Zip-up Jacket that costs about $250. I luv the way they display their shoes with a lil hanger (below post), I’ve never seen shoes displayed like that at a sneaker shop. Check out some of the shoes after the jump…

Converse One Star lo-top red black stars


Classic converse star and chevron logo add old-school credibility. Padded collar and footbed for added cushioning. Suede leather upper for style and comfort. Durable gum rubber outsole provides stellar traction.

For years, Converse was the official sneaker for rock and a grungy pair could almost always be found on the feet of the late Kurt Cobain. Cobain loved his Converse sneakers that he was even wearing them when he tragically took his life 14 years ago. With 25% of the Nirvana catalog sold to pay off some addiction tabs, Courtney Love has struck a deal with Converse to release a special make up for her late husband. This news has been a hot topic on Nirvana forums posing the valid question, what would Kurt think to know he has a sneaker deal with a subsidiary of Nike? Pics and info via

Converse has unleashed a new One Star Oxfords with a vintage upper, with accents of patent leather. The other pair released features a all White upper, with a suede upper and does not contain any patent leather. Available now at broden

Chuck Taylor inspired two generations of Converse wearers and his influence is still strong today.Suede upper with coloured stitching and the one star motif on both sides.

Monday, July 13, 2009

Acara luar biasa ini persembahan ADGI pada FGD Expo 2009. Buat teman-teman mahasiswa yang ingin hadir, 3 hari Design Conference ini sama dengan kuliah 8 semester. Buat praktisi, merelakan 3 hari untuk ikut bergabung, meluaskan wawasan bertahun-tahun, me-refresh yang telah lama beku. Alhamdulillah saya pun ikutan meramaikan, buat Indonesia yang lebih maju pemikiran dan kreativitasnya.

Yuk ramaikan, jangan sampai ketinggalan kesempatan terbaik tahun ini!

Panitia Adgi' INDONESIA DESIGN CELEBRATION 2009-"100% Indonesia Hebat" menyampaikan informasi kepada Anda, bahwa REGISTRASI ONLINE telah dibuka per Senin, 22 Juni 2009.



////// HARI PERTAMA: KAMIS, 30 JULI 2009 — PUKUL 10.00 s/d 17.00 WIB

SAKTI MAKKI | Pemilik/Direktur MakkiMakki Branding Consultant

DESIGN TALK SHOW | Issue: Apa itu ‘good design’?
DJOKO HARTANTO | Adgi Jakarta Chapter |
Pemilik/Direktur Majalah Concept
SYAFFRI SOEWANDI | Adgi Bali Chapter |
Art Director-majalah The Beat
AHMAD NOOR ARIEF | Adgi Yogyakarta Chapter |
Pemilik/Direktur Aseli Dagadu Djokdja
BING FEI | Adgi Surabaya Chapter |
Pemilik/Direktur Vaith Design

AGAN HARAHAP | Fotografer senior majalah Trax
LEO THEOSABRATA | Desainer produk | Pemilik/Direktur LTD Studio
WAHYU ADITYA | Penggiat industri animasi Indonesia | Pemilik/Direktur Hello;motion Inc.

Moderator: Mario Tetelepta | Asosiasi Desainer Grafis Indonesia (Adgi)

////// HARI KEDUA: JUMAT, 31 JULI 2009 — PUKUL 10.00 s/d 17.00 WIB

YUSCA ISMAIL | Praktisi Senior Periklanan Indonesia

DESIGN TALK SHOW | Issue: Apa peran desainer bagi masyarakat dan lingkungan?
MENDIOLA B. WIRYAWAN | Adgi Jakarta Chapter |
Pemilik/Direktur Mendiola Design Associates
AYIP BUDIMAN | Adgi Bali Chapter |
Pemilik/Direktur Matamera Communications
ANDIKA D. DJATMIKO | Adgi Yogyakarta Chapter |
Pemilik/Direktur Syafa’at Advertising
AMELIA SIDIK | Adgi Surabaya Chapter |
Pemilik/Direktur Lia S. Associates

ANDI S. BOEDIMAN | Creativepreneur | Pendiri International Design School (IDS)
SINGGIH S. KARTONO | Desainer produk | Kreator radio Magno
JOKO ANWAR | Tokoh sineas muda Indonesia

Moderator: Ato Hertianto | Asosiasi Desainer Grafis Indonesia (Adgi) |

////// HARI KETIGA: SABTU, 1 AGUSTUS 2009 — PUKUL 10.00 s/d 17.00 WIB

ERMIEL THABRANI | Konsultan humas Indonesia | Managing Partner-Brainworks

DESIGN TALK SHOW | Issue: Bagaimana melahirkan ide kreatif yang unggul?
IRWAN AHMETT | Adgi Jakarta Chapter |
Pemilik/Direktur Ahmettsalina Design
EKO PRABOWO | Adgi Bali Chapter |
Pemilik/Direktur DesainEko
M. ARIEF BUDIMAN | Adgi Yogyakarta Chapter |
Pemilik/Direktur Petakumpet
YUGO MUDAYADI | Adgi Surabaya Chapter |
Pemilik/Direktur Paragraf-Design Consultant

PETER FIRMANSYAH | Desainer fashion | Pendiri Peter Says Denim
RIDWAN KAMIL | Arsitek | Pemilik/Direktur Urbane Indonesia
BENNY RACHMADI dan M. MISRAD | Kartunis ternama ‘Benny dan Mice’

Moderator: Nico A. Pranoto | Asosiasi Desainer Grafis Indonesia (Adgi) |

• iPod • Digital camera • Buku-buku karya desainer Indonesia: "I see Indonesia"-Ayip Budiman, "Jualan Ide Segar"-M. Arief Budiman, "Kamus Brand"-Mendiola B. Wiryawan, "Tipografi dalam Desain Grafis"-Danton Sihombing, dll • CD musik "Indonesia Hebat"-KadriJimmo the Prinzes of Rhythm / KJP • Poster eksklusif dari desainer-desainer ternama Indonesia: Hermawan Tanzil, Danton Sihombing dan Lans Brahmantyo.


• Rp. 200.000,- per hari.
• Rp. 400.000,- untuk 3 (tiga) hari.

EARLY BIRD (22 Juni s/d 15 Juli 2009):
Rp. 150.000,- per hari

CATATAN: Acara dirancang dengan konsep casual floor-seating (lesehan), TIDAK TERMASUK paket lunch dan coffee break. Harga tiket di atas SUDAH TERMASUK tiket masuk ke acara FGD Expo 2009.

Segera daftarkan diri Anda dengan mengirimkan data ke alamat e.mail: dan kami akan menghubungi Anda untuk memandu langkah selanjutnya.

- Nama lengkap:
- Alamat:
- No. Handphone:
- E. Mail:
- Hari dan tanggal seminar yang diikuti:

* Khusus anggota Adgi di chapters JAKARTA, BALI, YOGYAKARTA dan SURABAYA wajib mencantumkan No. Anggota Adgi dan Chapter (GRATIS untuk anggota Adgi di seluruh Indonesia)

PENTING: Untuk kelancaran pendaftaran, dalam berkomunikasi dan surat menyurat mohon gunakan NAMA, NO. HANDPHONE dan E.MAIL yang sama sejak pertama kali Anda menggunakannya.

INFO LEBIH LANJUT silakan hubungi Adgi chapters:
(Senin s/d Jumat, 9.00—17.00)

Adgi Jakarta Chapter
0813 1054 0410

Adgi Bali Chapter
0818 055 66 822

Adgi Yogyakarta Chapter
0817 941 7881

Adgi Surabaya Chapter
0812 160 3618

Shoot with SE K750i + JellyFishEye

Undercover has already released a previous version of the Jack Purcell model around last year. The new version now will be different with polka dot designs on the kicks. It’s pretty much the same style shoe, except for the dots. The kicks come in either black or white and will release this Saturday April 14 at the HK Undercover shop.

Please excuse the mess, but like anywhere else, the website will be going through some growing pains. We will be updating our look and presence on the web to better serve our community and businesses

The overall navigation of the site should not change, but we will be updating content and looks to make it a little more appealing.

Heres a look at the latest sneaker collaboration between Converse and titled Poorman's Weapon. The collaboration is said to be based off of an Air Force MA-1 flight jacket because of the shoe featuring removable velcro patches. Getting into detail, the shoe features nylon flight satin which is used on the MA-1 jackets with a bright orange canvas interior, which pilots would be able to turn inside out to be seen. On top of a Chuck Taylor outer sole and a Weapon upper, the shoe also features waxed laces and sports a vulcanized Undefeated strike logo on the sole

There's nothing wrong with affordable style. Except it's just so damn hard to find. For the budget conscience, Converse has launched its new One Star collection. There are several choice pieces, but we scouted the

If you’re still not ready for heavy coat weather, try something a little lighter. The Converse John Varvatos Jersey Jacket is a light outerwear item featuring exposed pocket zippers. The jersey is also collarless and sports a button-up option with pleated details. More images after the jump.$195

Inspired by the classic military bomber jacket, this Poorman’s Weapon was designed by LA’s Undefeated crew. What seems like a simply nice black nylon shoe is loaded with top gun details including a removable Velcro Converse chevron, signature ‘War is Big Business’ embroidered patch and a manila inventory card. Exclusively at Undefeated in January and will retail at $92.00.

In celebration of their 100 Year Anniversary, Converse is collaborating with designers such as Thom Browne, Libertine, and Mastermind. The collection were specially commissioned for a limited release of 50 which includes a collectible shoe box. Available for Spring/Summer 2009. You can get them at colette for $1876.57. Yes, that is the price.

The classic Jack Purcell by Converse has made its way to J Crew just in time for the summer. This exclusive sneaker features custom distressed canvas that makes each pair unique and its styling keeps it versatile. Available in Navy and White from

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